
More Diapers

The song plays on in diaper land, and on and on and on. I know we have several more years of them, but maybe, just maybe, this little boy will train earlier than the other two. I have made a few changes in the diaper department. Thought I would share that I am now using Earth's Best chlorine free diapers. I mentioned in earlier posts that both of the other boys had a lot of diaper rashes from Huggies and Pampers. I now believe it was due to the chlorine. While I really liked Seventh Generation, Earth's Best has a stretchier tab that is much more comfortable for baby. I have also changed to their wipes as well because they don't smell bad like the competition. So...... fair-well Seventh Gen. I'm on the Earth's Best wagon now.

I still buy them from Diapers.com. I never have to pay shipping or tax and the best news is I don't have to drag them home from the store. They ship straight to my door. Whoo Hoo!

Even though this song drags at times, I have made a little progress in the details.

He is so worth all of it!!


  1. He is getting so big, Sheri! What a cutie! Hope these diapers work great at keeping the diaper rash away! They have this really great ointment at Target & Walmart called Triple Paste too. Jule had a bloody diaper rash when he was around 3 weeks old, and it took care of it when nothing else would. It's OTC. Have a blessed day!

  2. That's something I will have to keep in mind if I have more kids.


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