

Sometimes I have wanted to scream out to God, WHAT DO I DO??

Elijah had a rough start. We had no idea he had a milk protein allergy and reflux when I was trying so hard to nurse him. I would try to nurse, he would cry and cry and cry. I then had to pump to keep the milk supply up. This was every 2 to 3 hours around the clock. Pump, nurse, walk the floor with crying baby. Beyond sleep deprivation and the pain of the nursing, I prayed for answer to his screaming. I longed for that familiar trance that most babies go into when they drink their milk. At the very least most babies are satisfied after a meal and for Elijah that pleasure was nowhere in sight for many months. My mother and I would take turns trying to comfort him as he screamed in pain. You see.... his little stomach was on fire. He was literally having an allergic reaction with his nose continually full of mucous, throwing up and writhing in pain. We couldn't do anything to help him while his body healed. I felt so helpless as I held him praying aloud and crying myself. In those moments of helplessness, I cried out.

Helplessness, and desperation seem to have that effect. If you watch any movie you will see that in a crisis, even the most heathen cry out for help. I believe we are innately created with a need for greater hope. What does that say about our nature and our need for a savior? I am glad to know about a greater being. God. He is the hope beyond my helplessness, desperation, loneliness and hopelessness. He is waiting, listening and saving.

Romans 8:24 (KJV) For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Still praying and standing for his complete healing! Love you!


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